We want to invite you to our first of what we are hoping will be an ongoing series of classes with high ranking instructors from around the region. November 26th, we will be hosting Tony Hind Sensei.
Hind Sensei is a 6th degree black belt who lived in Japan for over 12 years training extensively at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo. He started and ran what is probably still the largest kids program in the world while he lived there. He is the Technical Director of the Canadian Aikido Association and Chief Instructor at the East Van Aikikai.
November 26th (Sat)
Aikidaily International Academy
#205 - 1201 Commercial way, Squamish, BC
<Kids Class>
Time: 2:15pm - 3:15pm
Cost: $10
<Adult Class>
Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Cost:: $20
Dinner at the Howe Sound Brewery afterward
Please feel free to spread the word and let us know if you can attend.