
Save the date for an Aikido Friendship Seminar, December 1


We are excited to announce our very first Aikido Friendship Seminar to take place in Vancouver. On December 1st, in collaboration from English Bay Aikikai, we will be hosting 3 of the top teachers of the Lower Mainland.

The goal of this seminar is to explore the principles of Aikido from 3 different perspectives. Guest instructors are all accomplished Aikidoka who come from different lineages; giving us a unique opportunity to tap into a diversity of approaches and understandings that can truly widen the local aikidoka's perspective and help our community grow as a whole.



Date: December 1st (Sat), 2018

Venue: English Bay Aikikai
West End Community Centre
870 Denman St. Vancouver, BC

*There are two paid parking lots on the site.

Fee: $80 for 3 classes
        $30 each class

12:15-12:45  Registration
12:45-1:00  Introduction and warm up
1:00-2:15    Jobe Groot Sensei
2:30-3:45   Ishu Ishiyama Sensei
4:00-5:15   Robert Mustard Sensei
6:00           Dinner - TBA 

Contact: 604-849-3371

Sponsored by: Aikidaily International Academy in collaboration with English Bay Aikikai

Robert Mustard Shihan, 8th dan
Aikido Yoshinkai Burnaby

Robert Mustard Shihan is the chief instructor of Aikido Yoshinkai Burnaby. With over 40 years in aikido, Mustard Shihan is known for his inspiring teaching, powerful techniques and unexpected gentle touch. He started aikido in Toronto, and then went to Japan as a 3rd degree black belt to train at the Yoshinkan Aikido Honbu (head quarters); training under the founder of this style, Soke Gozo Shioda, and his 2 top students, Takafumi Takeno Sensei, 9th Dan; and Tsutomu Chida Sensei, 8th Dan.

Today, he is a highly regarded and sought after teacher, he dedicates his time to his students in Burnaby and teaching seminars across Canada and internationally, furthering the ideals of strong yoshinkan aikido and budo.

Ishu Ishiyama Shihan, 7th dan
Vancouver West Aikikai

Ishiyama Shihan, is the Chief Instructor of Vancouver West Aikikai. Originally from Osaka, Japan, he has studied Aikido since 1968 with master teachers, including Bansen Tanaka (Osaka Aikikai), Kanai, Kawahara, Yamada, Tohei, and Chiba Shihans, and more recently Tada Shihan in Japan. He has been teaching Aikido in Canada since 1973. He is interested in fostering personal and spiritual development among his students and creating a mature dojo community while pursuing intense martial awareness and technical accuracy in training.

Jobe Groot, Shidoin, 6th dan
Mountain Coast Aikikai

Jobe Groot sensei has been studying Aikido for over 40 years and trained intensively with Ishu Ishiyama Shihan, 7th dan, Yukio Kawahara Shihan, 8th dan and with Kazuo Chiba Shihan, 8th dan.

He has been teaching Aikido since the early 1980’s and founded Mountain Coast Aikikai in 1991, where he has served as chief instructor for more than 27 years.  He serves as a member of the Senior Council, the Teachers’ Council and Examination Committee of Birankai North America.

Groot sensei is focused on helping students cultivate martial awareness, self-understanding and community connection, through the practice of Japanese martial arts and related disciplines – specifically Aikido, Aiki-weapons, Japanese swordsmanship, and mind-body integration practices.  He is known for his emphasis on technical rigor, intensity and aliveness, combining principles of dynamic movement, centering, connection and responsiveness into each aspect of training.