AikiBlaze with Grant Babin and Myrna Harrod-Taniguti

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Grant Babin (4th dan, Aikikai and Chief Instructor of Aikidaily International Academy) and Myrna Harrod-Taniguti (2nd dan, Aikikai and Chief Instructor of Clearwater AIkikai) will be teaching the last AikiBlaze class to be held this Spring. In their 90-min Zoom class, Grant and Myrna will introduce some physiological and meta-concepts to help you create your own rewarding and efficient Aikido practice. Grant Sensei will be using a bokken for part of his class, but a shorter replacement item can be used if space limitations are a concern.

Practitioners of all levels and Aikikai affiliations are welcome! Students are asked to wear a keikogi if possible

Date: Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 3 PM PDT

Cost: A donation of $10/household is recommended, with proceeds going to support the Chrysalis Project.

To register, contact