Seminar with Didier Boyet Shihan

PLEASE SAVE THE DATE - March 10-12, 2017 for a special seminar with Didier Boyet, 7th dan, Shihan, in Vancouver, BC.

An Aikido and Aiki-weapons seminar in Vancouver, B.C. with Didier Boyet, 7th dan Aikikai, Shihan, to be held at Mountain Coast Aikikai on the weekend of March 10-12, 2017 and we are very happy to be co-hosting Didier Boyet Shihan with Mountain Coast Aikikai.

We will let you know once we decide the details.
Please also check the website of Mountain Coast Aikikai for details.

Step 1 course for Adult

Do you want to start Aikido with us?


This course will be good for you! You can learn the basic principles of Aikido including falling, footwork, pins, holds, and dojo etiquette in 20 classes.


It starts January 4, February 6, and March 6. You can come to any adult class for 20 times whenever you want, in the morning or evening.


*You can register by following the link below.