This seminar will focus on the basics for beginners.
Date: January 13 (Sat)
Time: 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue: Aikidaily Ineternational Academy
#205 - 1201 Commercial Way, Squamish
Fee: Fees are $10 per class or $25 for the whole seminar.
1st class is 12:00-1:00, will be taught by Ramin Arvin Sensei 5th dan and will focus on ukemi (falling) and connection.
2nd class is 1:10-2:10, will be taught by Grant Babin Sensei 4th dan and will focus on body movement.
3rd class is 2:20-3:20, will be taught by Kim Riddick Sensei 4th dan and will focus on basic techniques.
4th class 3:30-4:30, will be taught by Micheal Saint Germain Sensei 5th dan, CAF Shidoin, and will focus on technique application.