Movie Night #11


MOVIE OF THE MONTH:  Homeward Bound, the incredible journey

Date: January 26 (Fri)

Time: 6:00-9:00 pm

*We will be combining the 2 older kids classes and having them all at 5pm. 

One Friday Night each month we host Movie Night at the dojo. Parents get a little break and the kids get to have a lot of fun. All of the Aikido kids gather together play games, eat a meal and watch a movie. This is a great opportunity for them to get to know one another a little better and bond. 

This month, We will be watching "Homeward Bound, the incredible journey". A story of 3 dogs who cross the country to find their owners. An epic tale of friendship, camaraderie and perseverance. And there are 3 adorable dogs. The kids are going to love it. 

We will be cooking up some sort of super yummy vegan dish, making fresh lemonade and of course pop corn.

Food and games are from 6 to 7. The movie starts at 7. Pick up is from 8:30. Lights go out at 9.

Kids call it movie night, but most parents call it "Date Night". Some even just call it "Start the Carrrrrrr!"

Our adult members are also invited to come out socialize and have fun with the kids. This is a great time to hang out, have fun and create community. 

Adults are requested to bring a dish to share. Please let us know of any food allergies or dietary restrictions that we should know about. 

Movie night or "Date Night" is by donation. 


Please email us by the Wednesday evening prior to the event to confirm attendance.

2018 Aikido winter term registration open now!

2018 winter term starts on January 8th and ends on March 14th.

The schedule is as below.


Aikidowinter termregistrationstarted!.png

Home School Kids Class (4-12 YRS) 

Mon, Wed, Fri from 10:45am - 11:30am,

4-5 YRS Kids Class

Mon, Wed, Fri from 3:30pm - 4:15pm,

6-7 YRS Kids Class

Mon, Wed, Fri from 4:15pm - 5:00pm,

8-9 YRS Kids Class

Mon, Wed, Fri from 5:00pm - 6:00pm

10-13 YRS Kids Class

Mon, Wed, Fri from 6:00pm - 7:00pm


Some classes are almost full due to current student enrollment.

Space is limited. Please register now!

Aikido Beginner's Seminar

This seminar will focus on the basics for beginners.

Beginner's Seminar.png


Date: January 13 (Sat)

Time: 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Venue: Aikidaily Ineternational Academy

            #205 - 1201 Commercial Way, Squamish

Fee: Fees are $10 per class or $25 for the whole seminar.

1st class is 12:00-1:00, will be taught by Ramin Arvin Sensei 5th dan and will focus on ukemi (falling) and connection.

2nd class is 1:10-2:10, will be taught by Grant Babin Sensei 4th dan and will focus on body movement.

3rd class is 2:20-3:20, will be taught by Kim Riddick Sensei 4th dan and will focus on basic techniques.

4th class 3:30-4:30, will be taught by Micheal Saint Germain Sensei 5th dan, CAF Shidoin, and will focus on technique application.

Etsunen Geiko - New Year's Eve Aikido Practice and Celebration

Ring in 2018 feeling centered, peaceful, and in harmony with your dojo-mates and friends.

Etsunengeiko 2017-18.png


Time: December 31, 11:30 pm - 2:00 am

Class: 11:30 pm-12:30 am

Celebration: 12:30 am- 2:00 am

Potluck: Please bring refreshment and light snack. Sake provided.



We are super pleased to bring to Squamish this unique way to ring in the New Year direct from the Aikikai World Headquarters in Japan.

Every year, the Aikikai World Headquarters hosts a very special tradition called "Etsunen Geiko" (year-end practice). Aikido practitioners gather from far and wide to train together during the last half hour of the year and first half hour of the next. After class they celebrate the start of the year with light snacks and Japanese sake.